Finding peace

One of the late Zig Ziglar’s famous quotes is “Everything in life is either a blessing or a lesson.”

That’s something I try to live by. Be thankful for the good and learn from the rest. And in turn be thankful for the lessons too, hard earned as they may be.

For years I’d go on rides and pack trips in part for the adventure, the company of like-minded friends, to learn and spend time in nature, but also to get away from the rat race.

Another quote I think of often is “Create a life you don’t need a vacation from.” Easier said than done, or so I thought.

Until life decided to deliver a lesson and show me how.

I have long Covid. What that means for me is when I catch a cold it hits hard, and forces me to slow down, or else. When that happens I have enough energy for what really matters and nothing more.

The hidden beauty in all of that is that those times have taught me to sit with my thoughts, to enjoy my own company, to be grateful for sunsets and sunrises, for time with my animals, meaningful interactions with others and the ability to really be present.

It’s given me more appreciation for the simple things and a whole lot more joy in moments that I used to overlook or take for granted.

It’s given me the ability to tune out noise, make peace with things I can’t control, forgive and walk away, and to force myself to slow down and do hard things more readily than before.

In a way it’s like being on a pack trip, year round. Hard sometimes, yes, but mostly peace- and beautiful.

Am I minimizing illness or anyone else’s experience with it? Not my place or intention.

Instead, I’m hoping this may inspire some of you to look for lessons in the hard things and create something beautiful from it.

Or that you’ll enjoy the photos of the Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy Ambassador Mustangs, the happy Shepherds and some gorgeous country, taken by Tay Martin and me on our first pack trip this summer.