
I’m currently sorting through a year’s worth of memories and photos from some incredible rides and pack trips with the Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy Ambassador Mustangs and various friends both old and new to choose the 2025 calendar photos.

That means reliving moments I had long forgotten and seeing those places and scenes for the first time all over again.

Sunrises and wildflowers in mountain meadows, outrunning thunderstorms (or trying to) and 30 degree temperature drops within an hour in the middle of summer. Gorgeous views, loose rock, steep inclines and a scary fall.

Looking back, all those beautiful photos and once in a lifetime experiences took work, some level of hardship and a good bit of discomfort to achieve.

They say that nothing worth having comes easy. A good horse, a healthy body, good relationships, career success… While we can’t control every aspect of all of those, we can certainly do our part.

I feel fortunate to have friends, neighbors and colleagues to lean on – and hold me accountable – when I need them.

I’m always so grateful when I hear that people are helped or inspired by the work we do, or that they are enjoying a Mustang they adopted from us. That makes all the hard work and rough patches worth it.

We’re all only here for a short time and all we have is each other.

Experiencing a sense of community and being able to use the years I’m given to be of service to others are among my favorite things in life. Some of the others are horses, dancing, tacos, sushi and peanut butter.

Are you doing horsey things this weekend or digging yourself out of a snow drift? Or…?

Pictured: Divide Basin Mustang mare Lacy overlooking a new to us valley during a pack trip this summer. The hackamore (bosal, hackamore and mecate) are from The Colorful Cowgirl

