What’s freedom?

In the Mustang world that can be a pretty controversial topic.

In our work at Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy where we gentle wild ones to prepare them for successful futures in loving homes, one of the things I value most is freedom from fear. Hence the song that a friend of mine sent to me.

We’ve all been afraid. Some of us struggle with varying levels of possibly chronic anxiety. If that is or has been you, you know what hyper vigilance, i.e. always waiting for the other shoe to drop, does to your immune system and quality of life.

I’ve seen people worry themselves sick or literally to death. I’ve also seen wild horses live perpetually in fear and to me that’s cruel.

I want to see Mustangs with a calm and curious expression that are comfortable with the world around them and the people in it.

Here’s our girl Echo, Twin Peaks CA Mustang filly, getting the mantie pulled off of the load during her 3rd pack trip with us.

Tay Martin and I had just made it into our wilderness home for the next few days and hobbled the riding horses so they could graze. Griffin was wandering around doing Griffin things and the Shepherds supervised our work.

Watch this young mare stand quietly and relaxed, ground tied while I’m working the noisy canvas tarp loose. Thank you for that tarp and all your guidance this year Colorado Pack Company LLC !

We picked Echo up from holding in March of this year for gentling. She lived and traveled with our Ambassador Mustangs all summer and went to her forever home in Idaho this fall. I still miss that kind, tall, beautiful bay dun mare.

I also know she’s in the best of hands and she has a great mind and a foundation that’ll carry her through life.

For us, that’s what it’s all about, helping Mustangs and their humans feel safe and happy. While seeing lots of pretty country and making wonderful memories along the way.

If you’re curious about our work, how we can help you or how you can support our nonprofit organization, go to

w i l d h o r s e o u t r e a c h . o r g or contact us directly.

We’d love to hear from you!

