Why we Walk

There are good reasons to pony a green – i.e. inexperienced/newly gentled – Mustang and there are good reasons to walk with them.

At Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy , we’ve learned, through trial and error, that both are useful in their own right to develop a strong relationship and a safe, well-adjusted horse.

For context, could you just get on and ride and forget about the rest. Probably, if you’re handy and sticky enough to face whatever awaits you and your wild one out there.

I’m not that person, so I do lots of prep work to set both of us up for success.

I like to pony, pack and ground drive a greenie before I ride. They all learn to pick up feet, lead, back up tie, lunge and send, move shoulders and hind quarters long before I ever think of riding.

I haul them different places and expose them to different people, situations and tack.

Lame I know. I like excitement. Just not the bucking, bolting, fence crashing kind. And you know what? Neither does the horse.

So we go slow because with mutual respect and trust we can go far. Both are built and nurtured over time.

In the video you’ll see Spur and a very bundled up me. I’ve had the lousiest cold and I’m just starting to feel human again (I learned a thing or two about sleep and rest, and *gasp* listening to my body).

You’ll see the doggos and golden afternoon light. And you’ll read about the benefits of walks in Mustang gentling.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


🐴 We start with tiny walks once a Mustang meets all our requirements to go outside of the securely fenced area. He went on over a dozen walks before this.

🐾 We are mindful about the distractions we introduce. Dogs or anything else coming up from behind a young wild horse can get you, the horse and the dog in real trouble if they’re not ready and you’re not prepared for it.

❤️ Our dear friend Tristram Hokenson has created a Giving Tuesday fundraiser for us. Today (Monday 12/2) is also her birthday. It would mean so much to her and us if you ‘d help her reach her goal: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/H4xx2i5oKJdMphRS/

📆 Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday, the single most important fundraising day of the year. We will make a post with a BIG surprise tomorrow. If you’re giving early, please see our donation avenues in the comments 🙏

📅 2025 WHOA calendars are available for pre-order! We ordered a limited quantity, so don’t wait to get yours! All proceeds go towards the Mustangs in our care.

🛍️ If you haven’t recently, check out our Etsy store for your holiday shopping. Tay Martin spent hours setting it up with fun, unique, inspiring and useful gift items for you and your loved ones: https://wildhorseoutreach.etsy.com

