Stefanie Skidmore

Author's posts

Driving Mustangs

Coming from Europe, I’ve been driving horses and ponies since I could count my age on two hands. Sled races, dragging fields, cutting grass, driving just to drive because it’s fun, skidding logs, I even drove a wedding once. I’ve never had the money for a nice horse, so I either worked my tail off …

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Removing the Neck Tag

Removing the neck tag This is 6yo buckskin Devil’s Garden Mustang mare Luna, dam of DG Bibi who found a home a while back. Here we are, taking her tag off, a special “unwilding” ritual that makes me light up even after doing this dozens of times. It marks the transition from wild to handleable …

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Sharing Space

Sharing space When we’re working with Mustangs, the four components of a successful session l’ve found are: Learning while moving Learning while standing Moving together Sharing space They are all important. And what’s also important is that the horse you’re working with is at least reasonably happy and comfortable. Pain, hunger, loneliness, boredom, lack of …

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