Category: Stefanie’s Notebook

Look what you’ve done…

Growing up, hearing those words – in German, no less – usually from my mom or one of my grandmothers was a certain indicator of impending trouble. This is different. Remember when we did a fundraiser late last year for a chute? Well, the stars aligned in such a way that required things to be …

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Mustangs on NPR

In other news, this past week we had the pleasure of giving Ashley Ahearn , journalist, horsewoman and Mustang adopter, a behind the scenes look at the what, how and why here at Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy . She flew out from Washington to spend a blustery winter day with us and do a …

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Moana’s surprise

I’m all but speechless (doesn’t happen often ) and overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement about this week’s events. Somehow Mustangs bring out the best in people and the best people together, and with so many neat things coming together all at once, it’s hard to decide where to begin… We’ve been keeping a baby announcement …

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After gentling, before riding

Here’s Blanca, the bestest, fluffiest, toughest and cutest old mare, putting up with a young Mustang, DG Petrie, while getting a job done. Petrie is a coming 3yo filly out of last year’s load of Devil’s Garden Mustangs from the Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals. We’re currently working on the new load… We’re only a …

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Short and sweet – The value of brief, low-key sessions

This is gentling session # 3 with Behne, 12yo per BLM paperwork, from Sand Wash Basin, Colorado. He already has a loving home, he is with Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy for basic handling and to learn to like human interaction. He leads, backs, is starting to yield shoulders, hind quarters and send off in …

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Gentling older Mustangs – Cary in the rearview mirror

This boy is 9yo Sand Wash Basin Mustang gelding Cary, the youngest of the older geldings we’ve recently had the pleasure of working with. Interestingly enough, with his relative youth he was the more challenging one even though the others took/are taking a little longer to settle down initially. The other geldings are/were 11 (Schatzi, …

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Matching effort

This post was inspired by a conversation with a dear friend about an entirely non-horse-related topic, but as with so many things, I find it applies here too. I believe that we need to be willing to invest quality time and effort into our horses before we can expect better results. We have to remember …

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Connection-based gentling

Frank Stetson again, coming 4yo sooty buckskin Sand Wash Basin Mustang gelding. He’s with Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy for gentling and to learn that interacting with humans is actually pretty cool. If you’re drooling now: Yes, he really is that cute. No, sorry, you can’t have him. He has a home, and no, sadly …

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The highline

This is a question I get asked a lot: How do you contain the horses in the backcountry, especially overnight? There are several ways that can work depending on where you are and what works for you and your stock. Highline, lowline, electric fence are a few. Some people keep one animal tied in camp …

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DG Petrie – Be careful what you wish for

This is a post for and about the newest member of our Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy Ambassador herd: Petrie, a coming 3yo Devil’s Garden Mustang filly and one of the 10 DG Mustangs from the 2021 gather on U.S. Forest Service-Modoc National Forest land that were passed over for adoption and sent to us …

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