The DG Kids

It’s been so much fun watching our youngest Ambassador Mustangs DG Cedar (filly, coming 2yo) and DG Griffin (colt, not quite 1yo) grow up and their personalities develop. They came to Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy last year from the Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals in California.

I’d never before owned a horse this young. Watching the baby antics, naps in the sun and Lacy slowly embracing being their “aunt” has been such a gift.

Cedar is strong willed but also sensitive. She seems to consider me her human, can sense changes in my energy and reacts strongly to them. She’s both brave and independent and slow to trust new people.

Griffin is quiet, laid back and very much a follower. He makes the best mare faces I’ve ever seen on a gelding. He’s curious and generally the same with most people rather than drawn towards one person.

It’s interesting having both of the two distinct types of Devil’s Garden Mustangs, the less common tall, athletic, more sensitive and almost Thoroughbred-like one, and the laid back, thick drafty kind the herd is known for.

It seems like they’d be like oil and water but Griffin and Cedar are best friends and their personalities seem to balance each other out very nicely.

Meanwhile I’m on the hunt for a riding horse for more strenuous rides than Lacy is capable of and Tiny is excited about these days. I’m looking for a branded one to gentle and start.

There MAY be some new faces here as of yesterday. Whether my new riding partner is in there is TBD but stay tuned for their intro and new name theme 🧡

Shirt and hat: Outback Trading Company LTD.

Halter & lead: Rowdy’s Ropes

PC: Tay Martin

