Do the Thing

Nothing super profound here today, just a couple of clips from a ride I really enjoyed and a song that speaks to me, Ride Away by Matt Robertson Music

I do have an education and I could be sitting in a warm office all day, coffee in hand, saying some version of “And is that working for you?”

I wouldn’t trade this wild, rewarding, physically demanding and sometimes dangerous profession I chose instead for anything.

I hope you, too, will find the courage to pursue what lights you up. Good for you if you’re doing it already!

These 3 Mustangs came out of holding pens and are or are becoming wonderful partners and Ambassadors for what wild horses have to offer as our working partners and friends when we go about it the right way.

I love watching wild horses transform and their adopters’ faces light up when they take them home. I enjoy eagerly anticipating the arrival of new wildies so we can get to know them and do it all over again.

I’d like to both demystify Mustang training and make it more accessible to people who want to join the Mustang family. It’s not a fantasy novel, but it’s not rocket science either.

I’d like to normalize struggling and making mistakes. And asking for help and doing better. I struggled quite a bit on that ride, it was the first time off the property with both Devil’s Garden Mustang babies – coming 2yo Cedar and coming 1yo Griffin – and it was a bit chaotic.

I’m grateful for a patient friend, a good riding horse (Divide Basin Mustang mare Lacy) and loyal dogs that actually managed to stay out from under the horses most of the time.

I’ve since adapted, discussed with others, tried different things and practiced some more. Outings with all 3 are easier now.

It’s ok to mess up and be bad at something new. It is important to learn from it, ask for help and work to do better.

Somehow it’s already March and I’m grateful and excited for another year of gentling wild horses, teaching, learning, riding the hills with good friends, good Mustangs and good dogs, and meeting and working alongside great people along the way.

Because someone is going to ask, that’s the Clare Jacket from Outback Trading Company LTD. and I love it.

