It takes a Village

Lorena, 2yo Twin Peaks, CA Mustang filly, left with hauler Brice Bebout for her new home in MI a few days ago, just in the nick of time before another storm.

I’d like to thank Tay Martin for taking care of and loving the wild ones that come through Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy to get ready for finding great homes,

Photographer Linnea Helander for your epic photography skills and for working horses with me when you have time,

Kelsey Janosik for meticulously reviewing adoption applications and providing feedback,

Rowdy’s Ropes for the best, prettiest custom rope tack we could ask for,

Cassie Krzeczowski for making the first trim a good experience for these kids,

Rocky Top Veterinary Service for getting our wildies ready to travel and attending to their medical needs,

our funny, pain in the neck of a brand inspector,

our land owners, reputable and experienced haulers, reliable hay providers and other service providers who make what we do possible,

the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program and Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals for working with us and the relationships we’ve built over the years,

and of course our clients, adopters, donors, volunteers and friends because we couldn’t do what we do without you!

Happy Easter to those who celebrate, a sunny spring weekend to those who don’t, and remember, tomorrow we’ll be drawing names for the new kids so if you want to support our naming fun-raiser, head to Tuesday’s post and put in your name suggestions for a small donation that goes towards the Mustangs!

Read below for what Lorena – now Wren – is up to in her new home. That’s what makes it all worth it! (Shared with permission from her adopter.) 👇🥰

“I love her! I was up until after midnight that first night, just being out there (doing nothing but I didn’t want to walk away, either). I find myself trying to juggle other commitments so I can go out there (the “oh, I have this meeting I have to attend, maybe I can slide out for a little bit beforehand. Oh, but what if we hit a little hiccup or I lose track of time or am right in the middle of something and I am out there longer than I have before the meeting – drat. I have to wait til after…” kinda thing – the literal conversation I had with myself this morning 😂😅).

I see some of the same things in her that I absolutely love about Radar. And some things I see I like better than when I’m working with Radar. So, first impressions: I think she’s going to be perfect! We’ll undoubtedly have some disagreements along the way (can’t expect anyone, especially a teenager, to be 100% with everything in my experience / even if it’s just a matter of “I don’t want to today” 😂😅) and everyone has off/bad days. We’ll adjust and figure out the best way to work through whatever that ends up being (even if that means making a phone call to ask questions/get advice if there’s a sticky spot we can’t get through on our own). I’m always up for learning something new in that respect,

Once she’s fully settled in and really starts to show all of her personality here (and the quirks that will go along with it, I’m sure) will be the real tell but I think this is going to be a great relationship. 💜


Wren met [the farrier]. He wanted to extend his appreciation for putting so much work into getting her used to picking up her feet – and so nicely, too. He went and picked each one up after just the short introduction and she didn’t hesitate an instant 🥰

She also walked right up when I came in this afternoon. She hasn’t been hard to catch or anything, but it was just the first walk up (which just makes it special 💜)”
