Learning and Joy, mentors and friends

One of the best parts of life, and this Mustang journey, is not doing it alone. Having friends and mentors to talk to, work alongside, learn from and ride with is so important.

I feel incredibly grateful to have several horsewomen around me whom I respect and enjoy riding and spending time with. I’m also excited for several super cool learning opportunities coming up soon.

I love learning and growing, even if it’s not always pretty or comfortable. It doesn’t just benefit me, it also helps the horses that come into my life, and their humans. And I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned with others through Wild Horse Outreach & Advocacy ‘s learning opportunities.

Here’s to lots of trail adventuring, finding Lacy’s left lead, getting better at riding in the two rein, learning to rope, as well as packing and Mustang gentling fun this spring!

Little video of Danita and I letting our mares stretch their legs, the dogs zooming ahead and little Griffin (look closely) bringing up the rear.

Trust and respect are important components of any relationship, with two- and four-leggeds alike. They create a sense of safety from which many things are possible.

Comfort (as in feeling safe), competence and confidence are the three Cs that lead to great results in life and in our partnerships with our horses. They need to be developed on both ends of the lead rope or reins.

That journey isn’t easy but it is worth it, and because humans, like horses, are social creatures, sharing it with others makes life feel so much richer ❤️

Music: All that really matters by Teddy Swims

Peep my favorite hackamore setup by The Colorful Cowgirl

